May's highlight was the PDCA AGM and Ohio Valley Dexter Breeders Association show and sale. I like the OVDBA attitude and approach but the location was so far! Make the attempt to go? I wanted very much to make the PDCA meeting. A surprise email from a young cattleman who wanted to show (lives more than an hour away) put preparations in full gear. (Inserting here, after pic, the "saga" I sent to a friend by email--modified a little.)
Our Plan A was for his dad to drive their truck pulling my trailer full of my animals (and 1 of his, if possible) for him to show at his first show, some of which I hoped to sell at their Dexter sale. Because of other workers on medical leave, his dad didn't know if he could get off work (in the end did so, but I /he didn't get word on that til the Tues before we were to leave on Thurs to show on Sat). Anyway, we had to send paperwork long before the dad would know if he got off. The meetings were the big thing I wanted to go for and were on Friday, so my Plan B, which I made with a senior center acquaintance (a woman with an adventurous spirit) was to go in my PT Cruiser with her as passenger in front and my two smallest calves in back, meet up at the event with boy and dad on Saturday (since if dad didn't get Fri off, he could still leave after work Fri and get there for boy to show on Sat), dad having driven his truck and a rented trailer and the son's bull to show, and able to take back my animals in the trailer if they didn't sell. I really didn't want to DRIVE. Found out on Mon or Tues that the dad's truck broke down on Mon. So we started trying to work out Plan C. Boy tried finding a rental pickup as I did, but with no luck. On Wed, the woman who was to ride with me called me that she'd hurt her back and didn't think she should go. So in the end, Plan D was put in place. The dad and son and my smallest calf and I went to Ohio in my PT Cruiser. I drove most of the distance and all night after leaving Thurs night about 9:45 pm. Was giving us plenty of time for multiple stops and still to make the meetings that were to start at 4pm on Fri. We crossed into Ohio and stopped at rest area from which we left with the dad driving. Started having some car trouble so took next exit and pulled into shade at back of a McD's. Opened hood, couldn't see problem. I called AAA and didn't know if I needed tow or jump start so asked if they had a mechanic listed, then went to McD and asked various folks for mechanic recommendation. Talked with two shops. Started to try to drive to one when the car totally quit, so coasted into an accountant's parking lot and tried to get close to building for shade for my calf....and called AAA for tow to one of the mechanics. Waited...and waited. Not a busy place. Accountant owner came out and told us we had to move car into designated parking spots (in the sun). I said the car didn't run and AAA had been called so should be there soon. He said "3 adults, small car, you should be able to do it." We pushed it. Soon AAA tow came. Mechanic shop was very nice, put us inside right away, and even got a fan to blow on calf. Owner (guess) said he called 7 places to try to get alternator at good price, including 2 salvage yards, but only found one available on that over $360. But he would hold check. We arrived at our destination about 8:30 pm. The trip that mapquest called about 11 hrs, we managed in about 23. Missed all the meetings. Met lots of nice folks that night and next day, boy got tips and help in showing, which went ok for his first time. Only one item in the sale sold, a cow/calf pair. Watched oxen demo at end. Then I met with the president and an area manager to try to get caught up about meeting. Then we left, drove all night again (torture) and got home in time for church, tho I didn't make it til night church. So as you can see, the adventures continue.
Quickly need to gear up now for the VA trip, which I've always intended to attend, ever since I learned the eeting would be in VA. I loved living in VA in 1979-80, so have looked forward to the chance to go there for a visit.
Quickly need to gear up now for the VA trip, which I've always intended to attend, ever since I learned the eeting would be in VA. I loved living in VA in 1979-80, so have looked forward to the chance to go there for a visit.
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