Gladhour X-Rall O'Pref
Sire: SF Preference
Dam: Gladhour Rally
Born 2010
Red, polled, A2/A2,
Not trained to halter or pet, but good temperament.
$2500 OBO
Sire & Dam Qualify, DNA at UCD
Gladhour Yuro O'Rab
Sire: Gladhour Raben
Dam: Gladhour Urabina
Born 2011
Black (doesn't carry color), homo-polled
A2/A2 or A2/A1
Not trained to halter or pet, good temperament
$2600 OBO
ADCA 033244, Sire Qualifies, UCD (dam qualifies at another lab)
Gladhour Zwulu O'Pref
Sire: SF Preference
Dam: Gladhour WulliJilli
Born 2012
Red (& carries dun), polled, A2/A2,
VERY gentle and tractable natural personality,
thoroughly halter-trained & exhibited.
$2500 OBO
ADCA 033275, Sire Qualifies, UCD (dam qualifies at another lab)
Gladhour YhanSomm O'Pref
Sire: SF Preference
Dam: Gladhour SommmerDay
Born 2011
Red, horned, A2/A2, not trained to halter or pet, decent personality
$1700 OBO
Sire & Dam Qualify, UCD
Gladhour Xugar O'Pref
Sire: SF Preference
Dam: Gladhour Sugarsweet
Born 2010
Red, polled A2/A2 or A2/A1, not trained to halter but friendly
$1800 OBO
Sire Qualifies, UCD
Gladhour UK (pending better name)
Sire: Gladhour Wolirence (qualified at UCD)
Born 2013
Black, polled, A2/A1 or A2/A2, not trained
much but can be haltered and led
$1300 OBO as unregistered price up to July 31.
Gladhour Ziles O'Ray
Sire: Gladhour Raymore
Dam: Gladhour Nila
Born Fall, 2012
Black (carries red &/or
dun possibly), polled, A2 status not known,
not trained, calm personality
$1500 OBO
Gladhour Zee-Swee O'Ray
Sire: Gladhour Raymore
Dam: Gladhour Sugarsweet
Born: 2012
Black, horned. unknown A2 status, not trained, not aggressive.
$1000 OBO
Gladhour Ayasal (or better name), unregistered
Sire: SF Preference
Dam: Gladhour YaSalle 11-10 (unregistered)
Born 2013
Red, polled, A2/A2 or A2/A1, was a friendly, nice calf
$1200 OBO
Gladhour Ximiss O'Pref
Sire: SF Preference
Dam: Gladhour Missy
Born 2010
Black polled, A2/A2, decent personality, moderate size
$1700 OBO
ADCA 033250
Sire Qualifies, UCD
Gladhour Atwyl O'Pref
Sire: SF Preference
Dam: Gladhour Twyla
Born 2013
Red polled, A2/A2, pettable and gentle
$1200 OBO
Commercial moderate frame bull for efficient commercial cattle, unregistered
No pedigree. Fairly young but DOB unknown.
Black polled, likely homozygous polled. Calm to walk around, untrained.
$3000 firm